NEW YORK: Kuwait has reiterated its full commitment to the empowerment of women and the promotion of women rights. Diplomatic Attach of Kuwait Mission at the United Nation Raheeq Al-Abad said this while addressing a special session of the Third Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs of the UN General Assembly on the advancement of women. She pointed out that Kuwait has enacted numerous laws and regulations that guarantee women’s social, economic and political rights in accordance with the constitution.

“Proves of this, is perhaps the percentage of women in the total national labor force: over 58 percent in the public sector and 48 percent in the private sector,” she said. Al-Abad added that more than 70 percent of students and researchers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in Kuwait are women and girls. Moreover, Kuwaiti women participate effectively in decision-making processes at various levels: in executive and legislative institutions, including ministries and municipal and legislative councils, she boasted.

She indicated that 88 female public prosecutors and 19 female judges were appointed this year and in a precedent-setting move in Kuwait, four women were appointed as directors of the Public Prosecution departments. Al-Abad revealed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had 144 female diplomats, about 22 percent of the total diplomatic cadre. She went on to say that women - proudly and efficiently - constitute 54 percent of the workforce in the oil sector - the country’s main economic artery - and in the military sector, women occupy 47 percent of managerial and supervisory positions.

In the security sector, the diplomatic attaché noted that the number of female police officers has risen to more than 900. In addition, the Amir Guard has recently recruited 19 women for the first time. The Kuwait diplomat commended the central role of the UN in promoting gender equality worldwide through its efforts and the global standards it has set to achieve this goal.

She affirmed Kuwait’s keenness to achieve this goal through enacting laws, regulations and policies that ensure the implementation of these standards in line with all international agreements ratified by Kuwait and the relevant UN mechanisms. Al-Abad recalled the “Jeddah Document” which was issued by the Jeddah International Conference on Women in Islam in 2023. She noted that this document represents a basic reference for all women’s rights that aims to achieve a balance between women’s rights and duties while respecting their dignity and enhancing their role in public and private life.

Al-Abad reiterated Kuwait’s commitment to promoting and protecting women’s rights. A real progress and development cannot be achieved without the effective participation of women in all areas of life, she stressed, calling on the international community to intensify efforts for more tangible and sustainable achievements in promoting women rights and empowerment. - KUNA