KUWAIT: Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah called on Kuwaiti graduates from the United Kingdom to make great efforts in order to transform their hopes and ambitions into fruitful work in reality on the ground, saying that Kuwait needs a lot of work, honesty and sincerity from us under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.

Sheikh Mubarak expressed his pleasure to the graduates sharing their joy, in a speech during a ceremony organized by the National Union of Kuwaiti Students (NUKS-UK branch) held last Saturday, under his auspices in the presence of the British Ambassador to Kuwait Belinda Lewis, and a number of academic leaders, to celebrate with the graduates and outstanding Kuwaiti students sent on scholarships to the United Kingdom.

Sheikh Mubarak Al-Abdullah stated: “I share with you the joy that you have reached this stage, the stage of reaping fruits, after hard work and efforts. You deserve congratulations, celebration and honor. And I see you pursuing towards the path of knowledge, to reap from it the fruit while away from your home, that has extended for years, to turn your dream into reality.” In addition, Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Mubarak Al-Sabah recalled the great efforts of his late father Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah in the 1950’s by paving the way for the children of Kuwait to pursue knowledge.

“My father, Sheikh Abdullah Mubarak Al-Sabah, who was at that time, Deputy Ruler of Kuwait, Supreme Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces, and Chairman of the Knowledge and Aviation Council, in 1952, supervised the first Kuwaiti scholarship missions to the Great Britain. Moreover, he made the first visit by an official in the history of Kuwait to the Kuwaiti students in the UK and stated his vision and precedence realization of his understanding on the importance of bridging of civilizations, openness toward others, benefiting from the experiences of advanced nations, and supplying the Kuwaiti labor market with unconventional skills,” he said.

Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah concluded his speech by advising the graduates to be good in serving their fathers and mothers, as through parents, comes blessings from God and success follows, praying to God to provide them goodness and success, and to serve their religion and their homeland, Kuwait.