KUWAIT: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) organized the annual conference of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) under the title “Delivering Excellence in Healthcare in Kuwait,” which aims to present innovative solutions to improve the healthcare sector in the country based on the latest global research and technologies.

The foundation said in a press statement on Wednesday that this conference is part of the main activities of the Kuwait Program of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), which is aimed at enhancing academic and research cooperation between Kuwait and the prestigious college. It also reflects the commitment of the Kuwait Program to promote science, technology, and innovation in the country and focus on developing the healthcare sector.

It added that the Kuwait Program of the London School of Economics and Political Science has received wide attention recently, especially after a promotional trip conducted by the college last May to several Kuwaiti institutions, which resulted in a significant increase in participants in lectures, as the number of seats allocated for participants was increased from 10 to 21, while the number of registered participants in the conference reached about 220 people from several entities.

The conference was attended by a group of prominent figures from government, private entities, and diplomats, most notably the British Ambassador to Kuwait, Belinda Lewis, especially since the conference is a unique opportunity to enhance knowledge between Kuwait and the United Kingdom. She pointed out that the conference attracted a diverse audience that included academics, researchers, policymakers, and representatives of public and private hospitals, in addition to a number of other concerned parties.

The conference coincides with the 125th anniversary of the launch of Kuwaiti-British relations, which have witnessed consolidation over time through the keenness of the wise leaderships in the two friendly countries to strengthen them, while the Foundation is proud of its role in strengthening these relations through its support for scientific and academic initiatives with a group of prestigious British scientific institutions.

She stated that the conference agenda included lectures presented by experts in the fields of health and technology from Kuwait and abroad, including Dr Alistair McGuire from the London Science School of Economics and Political Science, who gave a lecture entitled ‘Global Trends in Healthcare: Lessons for Kuwait.’ A number of Kuwaiti national cadres, experts, and academics participated in specialized lectures, while discussion sessions were also held that addressed various topics, including technology and health care, lifestyle, and providing local health care.

It is worth noting that the Kuwait Program, which is an umbrella for joint cooperation between the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and the London School of Economics and Political Science, has succeeded over the course of 15 years in supporting a number of research projects, providing professional training opportunities for a number of executives in the private and public sectors, and hosting a number of decision-makers and specialists in the field of public policy and development at the University of London. — KUNA