KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health launched on Monday, in cooperation with the UN's World Health Organization (WHO), a workshop through the EMFLU Platform to monitor winter respiratory illnesses. Director of the Public Health Department, Dr Fahad Al-Ghamlas, stated in the opening speech that the workshop focuses on monitoring and controlling respiratory illness cases and classifying them using the organization’s electronic monitoring platform, EMFLU.

He pointed out that the workshop is intended for the medical staff in the emergency department, indicating that health experts and engineers from the Ministry and WHO will provide an explanation on the digital system (EMFLU) and the developed monitoring system (EMFLU-2). He explained that the workshop identifies the latest developments and recommendations to prevent infectious respiratory diseases, with the aim of monitoring these cases and reducing the rate of infection and death. The workshop coincides with the ministry’s campaign to vaccinate against winter respiratory illnesses, he added. – KUNA