KUWAIT: The Minister of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy, Dr Mahmoud Boushehri, issued a ministerial decision to form a higher committee for green urban development initiatives headed by Ahmadi Governor Sheikh Hamoud Al-Sabah and includes in its membership many government agencies, state institutions, and the relevant private sector.

These include the National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL), the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR), the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Public Works, the Public Authority for Housing Welfare, the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Kuwait Municipality, the Ministry of Interior, Kuwait University (College of Architecture), the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, the Kuwait Banks Association, the Union of Investment Companies, the Voluntary Work Center, the Union of Cooperative Societies, and a number of interested parties in this regard.

The work of the committee shall be responsible for the following: Diagnosis of the current status of green spaces (parks and public gardens) in all residential areas and Kuwait’s border crossings, in addition to planting crops in various main and ring roads, roundabouts, bridges, and important strategic locations.

The committee will also evaluate the initiatives on green urban development and cosmetic crops by private sector institutions and entrepreneurs of various categories and consider the extent to which they can be applied in a manner that preserves the national identity, taking into account the security aspects. They will also propose viable development initiatives and projects concerned with green urban development, cosmetic agriculture, and marine environmental preservation.

It will communicate with the private sector and companies working in the fields of green urban development to support financially and technically. In this context, the Minister of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy chaired the first coordination meeting in the presence of the Governor of Ahmadi. They reviewed the priorities that the committee should focus on during the next stage, while stressing the need to combine all efforts to achieve the desired goals.