KUWAIT: Minister of Social Affairs, Family, and Childhood Affairs Dr Amthal Al-Huwailah said on Monday that Kuwait, with its governmental and civil charitable institutions, has been applauded and honored for supporting charitable and humanitarian work, occupying a leading position on the map of humanitarian work. This came in a speech she delivered on the sidelines of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations naming Kuwait the ‘Humanitarian Center’ and His Highness the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah the ‘Humanitarian Leader’.

Al-Huwailah added that Kuwait deservedly became a center for humanitarian work worldwide, thanks to the directives of the political leadership, which played the greatest role in developing charitable and humanitarian work and extending a helping hand and relief to needy peoples in various parts of the world without discrimination or distinction. She added that the celebration of the tenth anniversary of naming Kuwait as a ‘Humanitarian Center’ reflects the depth of belief in the values of solidarity.

She stated that the naming comes in recognition and appreciation of the unlimited assistance provided by Kuwait, its leadership, government, and people in order to alleviate the suffering of those affected by disasters and conflicts and as an extension of its ongoing approach under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. She stressed that charitable work has become a civilized behavior passed down through generations and preserved by the wise leadership, becoming a constant element and an integral part of Kuwait’s foreign and domestic policy.

The ministers also affirmed the Ministry of Social Affairs’ commitment to continuing the humanitarian approach to enhance Kuwait’s role in supporting global humanitarian efforts in cooperation with Kuwaiti charitable organizations and institutions, which represent a pioneering model in charitable and humanitarian work. She expressed her appreciation for the efforts of charitable societies and foundations in delivering aid to those who deserve it in various parts of the world.

For his part, Chairman of the Union of Kuwaiti Charitable Societies and Foundations Saad Al-Otaibi expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the Ministry in providing support and assistance to Kuwaiti charitable work, especially the procedures for obtaining licenses or practicing various charitable works and coordination with official bodies in the country. Al-Otaibi pointed to the role of state institutions in implementing the Kuwaiti air bridge to relieve disaster and crisis victims and continuing Kuwait’s pioneering role in humanitarian work.

UNHCR Representative to Kuwait Nisreen Rabiaan confirmed in a similar statement to KUNA that naming Kuwait a “Humanitarian Center” comes as a reward for its various humanitarian and charitable efforts, including holding international conferences and providing urgent humanitarian donations. Rabiaan said that “Kuwait, ten years after receiving the international title, continues to provide more support to the world’s needy in the most difficult and tragic circumstances.” She stressed the keenness of the High Commissioner to enhance cooperation with official bodies, Kuwaiti charitable organizations, and individuals in order to provide support, facilitate field visits, and quickly deliver various relief materials to those who deserve them. – KUNA