Authorities foil smuggling

of 1.5 kg of pure heroin

KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry succeeded in foiling the smuggling of 1.5 kilos of pure heroin, said a statement on Friday. The Interior Ministry’s criminal investigation arrested an individual, who has connections with international drug-smuggling networks in Asia, in coordination with Kuwait customs service, revealed the Interior Ministry’s public relations department. While interrogating the suspect, he confessed to the crime and revealed that the illicit material was to be delivered to certain “associates” abroad for sale, it added. It affirmed that the suspect and confiscated material were handed to the narcotics prosecution department to implement further legal action against the defendant. — KUNA

Governors to get councils

to improve work flow

KUWAIT: The Cabinet issued a decree to establish a council in each of Kuwait’s six governorates, to be headed by the governor. The ‘Governorate’s Council’ would include membership of the deputy governor, representatives of state departments to be nominated by the relevant minister in coordination with the governor, as well as three citizens who are residents of the governorate to be nominated by the governor. Each council would meet regularly to issue decisions related to services provided by the government within the governorate, and assist the governor in their duties. The Cabinet had recently approved a draft bill to ‘activate the supervisory role of governors in implementing the state policy and the development plan’.