KUWAIT: Kuwaiti musicians Ghazi Al-Mulaifi and Amin Abdal have made history as the first Kuwaitis and Gulf musicians to receive a Grammy nomination in the “Best Latin Jazz Album” category for their album Ana Mashoof. The album blends traditional Kuwaiti Bahri music with global jazz, a fusion inspired by Mulaifi’s academic studies and his mentor, the late Sulaiman Mayouf Mejally. This cross-cultural mix became the foundation of Boom.Diwan.

In an interview with Kuwait Times, Mulaifi expressed his excitement and gratitude for the nomination. “When we found out we were nominated, it was an incredible moment,” he said. “We realized we were the first Khaleeji musicians and recording engineers ever recognized at the Grammys, and it validated years of hard work and dedication.”

Despite challenges recording across different countries, the nomination brings international attention to Kuwaiti music. The duo hopes to continue promoting their musical traditions globally, with upcoming performances and a new album in the works. (See Page 13)