Meanwhile, Hussain Sana, journalist and content creator, taught students how to be critical as well as how to develop their analytical skills. He gave those tips and hints on how to see the world and how to ask the right questions. Sana also provided them with the forms of writing, where they compared and contrasted between creative writing and writing reports and scripts.

Content creator and archivist Yousef Abu Ghazaleh said choosing regionally significant topics, thematically aligned with their audience’s interests, is important. He focused on structuring and bringing ideas to life, where students learned how to create effective video outlines by drawing inspiration from others, storyboarding and bullet-point scripting.

In the final session, students wrote their scripts for their outlined topics and collaborated in pairs to film them, putting theory into practice. Content creator Dhoha Al-Issa gave a class on “FUNdamentals of social media” and let the students dive into the dynamic world of social media while unlocking its hidden secrets and exploring the fundamental pillars of social media success.

At the end of the program, Kuwait Times allowed the students to make the newspaper under the supervision of editor Nebal Snan, page makers Rajesh, Zakir Mansoori and Sreenu, and proofreader Sabastian Dsouza. After the successful completion of the course, Kuwait Times provided students with a certificate, in addition to an article published in the newspaper.