CAIRO: The preparatory meetings for the 114th regular session of the Arab Economic and Social Council will kick off at the headquarters of the Arab League Secretariat on Sunday. The summit is scheduled to be held on Thursday to discuss Arab cooperation, economic and social issues, with the participation of Kuwait.

The preparatory meetings will start with a meeting of the Social Committee, which will discuss a number of topics in the social file, including the Arab Strategy for Lifelong Learning, the role of social support in achieving equity and equal opportunities in learning, the Second Arab Decade for Literacy and Adult Education, and Arab-international cooperation in the social and development fields, in addition to reports of ministerial councils and specialized committees and their decisions. The Social Committee will also present an item on the culture and green future initiative and another item on a proposal to establish volunteer centers for youth and retirees to serve the elderly.

In the same context, the Economic Committee will hold its meetings on Monday and Tuesday, where it will discuss the topics included in the economic file, including the Arab Food Security Status Report for 2023, follow-up on the implementation of the Arab Program for Sustainable Food Security, follow-up on the implementation of the Arab Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy (2020-2030), follow-up on the implementation of the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Management of Pastoral Resources (2020-2040), and follow-up on the implementation of the Arab Aquaculture Strategy (2018-2037).

The Economic Committee will also discuss topics related to organizations and institutions of joint Arab action, reports and decisions of ministerial councils and committees, the Space Initiative, and developing the performance of specialized Arab organizations, in addition to a proposal to establish the Arab Housing and Reconstruction Bank. — KUNA

The Economic and Social Council will meet at the level of senior officials on Wednesday, followed by a meeting of the Council at the level of finance and economy ministers on Thursday. - KUNA