KUWAIT: The Ministry of Oil announced on Wednesday that it has been selected by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) among government agencies that will participate in the pilot project (Employee Achievement Record) with the aim of documenting employees’ achievements and ensuring priority for distinguished employees. The Ministry of Oil said in a press statement that its selection to participate in the project is considered a source of trust and appreciation from the CSC and a culmination of the efforts it has made over the past years in implementing full digital transformation projects and applying the latest technological means to carry out internal work.

It expressed its readiness to start implementing the project as it will create an electronic file for each employee to record all tasks and work that he/she will perform inside it on a regular basis in addition to automatic documentation according to the employee’s civil number for all transactions and correspondence he/she carried out. Regarding the advantages of the project, the Ministry of Oil said that it guarantees the employee’s right to document his tasks and achievements and gives distinguished employees priority in obtaining financial rewards, training courses, and nominations for supervisory positions.

It affirmed its adoption of the latest digital technologies and their application in various aspects of work through implementing a series of initiatives and projects that aim to improve operational efficiency and enhance transparency in administrative procedures. Six government agencies are participating in the Employee Achievement Record project: the Ministry of Defense, the Civil Service Bureau, the Central Agency for Public Tenders, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Public Authority for Minors Affairs, and the Ministry of Oil. — KUNA