Kuwait plans 5G-A rollout

KUWAIT: The Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority introduced Monday new frequencies to prepare for the rollout of the 5G-Advanced network, which provides the world’s most sophisticated communications services. Acting CITRA Chairman Abdullah Al-Ajmi revealed Kuwait will phase out 3G services by June 2025 and redirect resources to enhance and expand 4G and 5G services. He added 5G-A technology will bolster the country’s leadership in adopting the latest technologies. — KUNA (See Page 2)

MEW warns of power cuts

KUWAIT: The ministry of electricity, water and renewable energy said on Monday that power cuts might occur in non-residential areas due to emergency repairs at some power-generating stations. — KUNA

Five held for smuggling drugs

KUWAIT: The public prosecution said on Monday it interrogated five suspects for smuggling drugs and sent them to jail pending further investigations. Three of the men are Kuwaitis, including two airport customs officers, one of whom allegedly accepted a bribe of KD 10,000 to facilitate the entry of the drugs into the country.

Ex-minister referred to court

KUWAIT: A former minister was referred to the criminal court on Monday over allegations of corruption amounting to over KD 4 million. Trial is expected to begin as early as next week.

Gang forging iqamas arrested

KUWAIT: The interior ministry arrested a gang involved in selling forged residencies and other illicit activities, it said on Monday. Investigating teams apprehended three individuals — Kuwaiti, Egyptian and Lebanese — who were involved in selling and falsifying residencies under the guise of a goods transportation company. The so-called company was recruited “employees” among laborers in the country, transferring residencies to issue driving licenses. — KUNA