KUWAIT: The Acting Director General of the Public Authority for People with Disabilities, Al-Humaidi Al-Mutairi, the Deputy Director General for Psychological, Social, and Medical Services and Care Homes, Amer Al-Enezi, and the Deputy Director General for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Khaled Al-Harbi, toured the auditors’ halls to inspect the progress of work and ensure that the halls are fully operational after the automated system stopped for several days due to power outages in the Hawalli area.

Al-Humaidi praised the efforts of the Authority’s employees in receiving patients with disabilities and their families, which exceeded the daily capacity, as the number of transactions received by the Insurance and Housing Counter reached 180 cases. Also, the financial allocation counter recorded 120 cases, the caregiver counter (125 cases), and the medical records counter (257 cases), among others. They also visited Terminal No 2.